Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Life of Passion

She brightened his nights, completed his days,
He found her among the brightly lit lanes.
An unusual darkness surrounded her,
Fueled by the immense, dancing flames within.

She survived the fierce battle with death
Had won the helpless fight for existence.
But smiles never graced her perfect features
And the pride of a triumph never showed.

Her untold story kept mystifying,
Her heavy silence kept him wondering.
No questions were asked, no answers expected,
He feared strengthening her shell further

A bright, starry night broke her defenses.
She had chosen a path of no return.
"The girl will die," they had said and she panicked,
She feared dying without feeling passion.

Picture taken from (no copyright infringement intended)


  1. this piece has deep meaning, it made me think a lil.. i like the way u've written it,coz if it was written in very obvious words, i would miss the thinking,n pondering part after reading it...
